Retailers Fail ID Checks

The Liquor Stores Association (LSA) of NSW has been notified that a number of anonymous audits were undertaken by the Central Coast Health, Police Local Area Commands and the Office of Liquor, Gaming & Racing in retail outlets on the Central Coast in July and August.

The bodies sent secret shoppers aged 18 and 19 without any ID into 72 outlets (approx. 74 per cent of all packaged liquor licences on the Central Coast) to test whether or not retailers checked for ID correctly.

The audit found 37.5 per cent of outlets guilty of serving alcohol without checking for ID and in some cases; staff served alcohol even after they had asked for ID and the shopper failed to present any.

As a result, LSA NSW has issued a statement to remind licencees of the industry self-regulatory initiatives that exist, including ID-25 and Don’t Buy It For Them, which aim to protect retailers in such instances.

Since the introduction of new laws in December last year, licensees found guilty of selling alcohol to an underage person could be fined up to $11,000, as well as receive a 1st Strike under the Three Strikes Disciplinary Scheme; a $3,000 ‘risk loading’ on their annual licence fee; and possible suspension of their licence for up to 28 days.

LSA NSW is also currently offering a new service that tests ID policy; sign up for the service here. LSA NSW has further asked the Government to work together with the body on such initiatives to also tackle wider issues surrounding underage service of alcohol, such as parents or other adults purchasing alcohol for minors.


To view the report click here.